Posts in Soul Words
Our Souls Know No Time

Our souls incarnate in our bodies to choose challenges and opportunities to trigger us, for us to awaken our consciousness and remind us who we are and why we are here.

These triggers are an invitation and a gateway to allow our souls to evolve and grow with the lessons we came here to learn, and I am so deeply grateful for all of them, no matter how challenging they may have been. 

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Allow Your Feminine Essence To Soften And Connect With Your Soul

Women have been programmed to believe that we must be in a constant state of striving and hustling to achieve the life we desire.

Yet as gentle, deep feminine women, this way of living is so detrimental to our souls. 

What so many have forgotten is that we’re designed to unfold and open like a flower in our own unique way, guided by our body and connected to our soul.

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Honouring Ourselves, Each Other, And The Relationships That Unfold

Discussing the topic of Masculine and Feminine energy has certainly stirred up emotions. It seems as though there has been an energy shift and many have found the strength not only to look within but also to look at their relationships. It’s through us talking about it, that brings change.

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Soul Awareness

There comes a moment in our lives when many of us grow out of the collective energy and grind society has had us contributing to. We realise that the values, attitudes, relationships, and beliefs we’ve held, no longer contribute to the development of who we truly are, our authentic selves.

This soul-awakening (though we see it as a life crisis at the time), albeit painful, provides a vital opportunity for us to begin our spiritual journey toward wholeness and wellness.

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Shifting Your Perception To Reveal A New Reality

Are you devoted to living a reality your soul incarnated here for? Or have you allowed your reality to be dictated by how society wants you to see it?
Humanity has created chaos and devastation around the world, which may seem impossible at times to separate yourself from, but, by removing yourself energetically from this environment, it allows you to see the world around you through a different lens.

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Soul Awakening - Are You Missing The Signs?

Humanity has reached such a crucial time in its evolution. We live in a time of huge growth, economically, technologically, and scientifically, and because of this, many of us experience incredible freedom, yet with this freedom comes a significant downside. Through being so switched on and connected to the outside world, it’s created a disconnect from Soul and our inner world.

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Are You Listening To What Your Body Is Trying To Tell You?

It astounds me that ninety percent of the physical pain we experience in our body is due to emotions that are trapped within our body and yet we just ignore it. All the baggage from our relationships, our childhood, our work environment stay with us, and it’s these energies that disrupt our Nervous System and cause diseases and much of our self-sabotage.

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Energetic Boundaries & Why We Need Them

Life is all about experiencing a full range of emotions and, at some point, we will all come across issues with people that feel like a boundary has been crossed or even as if your energy has been downgraded. It may not seem like much in the beginning, but before you know it, your energy field becomes porous and you are left feeling depleted, resentful, or taken advantage of.

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Seasons of the Soul

When the pushes and struggles of this 3D world make you feel like there’s no point, or the drama that seems to go on around you makes you feel like you’re the odd one out, or when you feel like it’s too hard and you just want to give up.

Those are the moments your soul is trying to get your attention. It may not feel like it, but these can be pivotal moments in your timeline if you allow them to be.

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