Shifting Your Perception To Reveal A New Reality

Are you devoted to living the reality your soul incarnated here for?  Or have you allowed your reality to be dictated by how society wants you to see it?

Humanity has created chaos and devastation around the world, which may seem impossible at times to separate yourself from, but by removing yourself energetically from this environment, it allows you to see the world around you through a different lens. 

Perception is what colours our reality and yet we each perceive reality entirely differently. This is because our lives have all been coloured with different textures. 

We need to find a way to create unity while maintaining our sovereign field. 

Regardless of our gender or race, we are all souls living this human experience together.  We must realign our energy to view humanity as united, not in competition and at war with each other. However, before we can stand united, we need to be strong in our sovereignty.

We have each come into this world with different lessons to learn and obstacles to overcome, so even though it’s our desire to create a change on this planet, we must first focus our light inwards. 

Our body is a Universe within itself. The chaos and separation you see around you is also going on within you, but at a micro-level.

So focus your energy within. Create unity within. 

Shine your light on the wounded parts of yourself?

You may not even be aware of the disharmony that resides in your body, but through infusing your dark with your light, your field will unify. 

With time and patience, our gifts will reveal themselves to us and our immediate world will be altered and our desires will begin to be actualised.  

So by shifting our perception to live in unity with ourselves, we ultimately allow others to do the same. This is how we achieve the paradigm shift. 

Attuning your frequency to the higher vibration of your light body will help you co-create your energy with that of the Universe and the Earth.


Our light body works in a similar nature as our chakras. They both represent portals of energy for our body.  However, our light body encompasses our entire body and flows at light speed connecting source energy to the physical realm.

Your light body may also be referred to as your light grid or merkaba, which is a three dimensional 8 pointed star made up of two counter-rotating triangular pyramids which balance the masculine and feminine energy.  The pyramid pointing upwards represents the positive Yang Universal energy flow, while the pyramid pointing downward represents the negative Yin Earth energy flow.

These energies also run through our bodies and connect our subtle body, etheric template, chakras, auric field, potentiality blueprint and soul centres to our light body. 

The etheric layer searches for the truth hidden behind the illusion of appearances. 

It’s in our etheric template that we receive the will (the motivation) that provides us with the passion and power to create our divine purpose in this world.

Our subtle body is made up of meridians that allow our energy to flow freely throughout our body. Our meridians intersect closely with our physical body, our nervous system and our emotions. 

By releasing the emotions associated with the ego such as blame, shame, guilt, and anger, it gives us the opportunities to develop our personal responsibility, so we can reshape our lives to live from a state of consciousness. 

By uniting your light body, subtle body, chakras, meridians and source energy we can begin to build the Universal flow that is unique to each of us.  This is when we discover our own personal vibration, created from the pure essence of our soul.

Through attuning with the essence of our soul, our life becomes more aligned and our desires and soul truths seem to flow effortlessly.  

This in turn creates the flow of our true purpose, shifting our perception to align with the reality our soul originally chose.


I’m referring to a deeper and broader understanding of attuning yourself to a greater life force.

Through increasing your awareness, and recognising how you perceive reality, you can begin to understand whether the way you view the world around you is supporting you to create the life you desire or keeping you from it.

The first step is being open to the many layers of reality other than the physical, mental and emotional.  We have allowed these other layers to become dormant through our choices and belief systems.  

Our brain has incredible powers and abilities and is able to change our perception by simply telling us what just happened isn’t possible.  This is a protection mechanism primarily operating through the fear of being judged.  It’s this fear that drives our ability to quickly and effectively ignore or dismiss what we don’t understand.

However, if we evolve our belief system to include more than what is immediately apparent to our senses, we will start to perceptively translate these hidden layers into our experiences.

Part of being embodied is experiencing a wider bandwidth of reality, not just the narrow perception that typically concentrates on our physical, mental and emotional reality.

Removing our fear from the equation allows our perception to expand.  This is when accessing the hidden layers of reality known as intuition, psychic abilities or inner senses is then simply seen as our gifts.

Remaining open to the possibilities offers space for evolution.  You no longer try to fit your experiences into what is already known.

How you then react to that perceived new experience will determine if the experiences continue to be built on or blocked.

Accepting that we are all eternal consciousness and all things flow through us, whether we choose to believe it or not, allows us to be open to new choices and allows the unravelling of life as we know it to begin.


I’d like to invite you to take a moment and find a comfy spot to allow this short process to infuse your field:

First start by closing your eyes and letting go of any tension, worries, or fear you may be holding on to. Know that you are loved and supported and completely safe to unravel whatever is needed.

Now allow your energy to expand out into the Universe travelling through the stars and out into the cosmos, or if it feels more coherent, allow your energy to draw you deep into the core of your body, as if gravity is pulling you in deeper, and deeper like you’re free-falling.  This will inevitably take you through a portal out into the Universe.

Either way is perfect and both will ultimately take you to your desired location. 

If you feel the desire to move, allow yourself to move. Allow the energy to flow through your 

body so you can feel any sensations that wants your attention, and allow your breath to soften any resistance you may be feeling. 

From this place, I’d like you to picture a light grid in the shape of a star (your light body) encompassing your entire body.  Feel it radiating with the infinite creative energy that is pulsating from the Universe.

While you feel that pulsating, notice your soul far out in the Universe with your soul family, feel her pulsating with pure divine source energy also.  

Once you can feel the energy fluxing from your soul, start to incorporate the rhythm of the star (your light body) too.  Allow your breath to infuse life into the field and connect with the rhythm of source energy.

Now with the innate wisdom that resides in your body, activate simultaneously your light body and your subtle body and feel the coherence with your breath.

With every breath fall deeper into the rhythm of your soul, feel your soul, light body and subtle body alchemise and allow the recalibration to infuse source energy into your cells.  Even if you can’t feel it, you're creating an explosion on a cellular level.

By doing this, the light grid that you have activated, will not only be infused with your soul essence, but also with the infinite creative energy of the Universe.

Then infuse your soul's wisdom with your body’s energetic field to alchemise and grow your bandwidth.

Sit with this rhythm, this energy, this lifeforce for as long as you desire and when you feel it’s time.  Allow the grace of the field to feel your connection with pure gratitude and slowly bring your awareness back into the space that you are in.

Allow the breath that connected you to your light body and source energy to keep that connection, yet at the same time bring you back into the present moment.  Let your body move and stretch as it desires and know that you can increase this flow whenever you desire.

Once you’ve connected and felt the flow of this lifeforce, you’ll be able to connect effortlessly whenever you feel the need.  And as you become more familiar with this practice you will be able to notice the energy connection during your everyday life.

I hope this has helped to shed some light on how to open your perception. Creating a New Set Point for your Highest Frequency is the sixth and final pillar in my Liberate Your Lineage program. If creating a new reality and being open to the infinite possibilities is something that interests you, please reach out for a chat. I also offer a free 30-minute discovery call to help you feel into the container of this program.


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