How To Get Back To Feeling Like Yourself When You’re Utterly Drained
As busy souls, there’s only so much we can do, and so much we can take before cracks begin to appear in our everyday life. Feeling emotionally drained is very real, especially nowadays as our lives are continually challenged with lockdowns and restrictions.
This seems to be the one pattern I cycle through the most, and I’m sure I’m not the only one.
You know, those moments when life continues to throw you more and more challenges and you just keep pushing through and taking on more; your children, your house, your work, the bills, the deadlines, and the commitments just keep coming.
There’s always so much to do and so little time and so many people are relying on you.
But what happens is, things slip, and slowly more and more tasks begin to niggle at you. You begin to feel like you don’t recognise the person you’ve become and when you look around, you wonder how you got to this point. Cracks turn into craters and it all begins to fall apart.
What I try to remind myself is, we’re human, but we’re not superhuman. If we keep putting all this pressure on ourselves to do absolutely everything, of course, something is going to break.
So how about we give ourselves a break and listen to our emotions, and learn from our feelings of exhaustion, that way if it does happen again, maybe it will be less than this time, and eventually it won’t be there at all.
Being emotionally burnt out is a state of chronic stress. It’s when you feel utterly worn out and drained because of the situation you find yourself in.
When you’re deep in the crater of emotional burnout, it feels like there’s no solution, the walls are closing in on you from every angle and even the easiest problem to solve seems insurmountable.
It can lead to feelings of utter self doubt and detachment and leave you feeling as if nothing you do is right.
Believe me, I’m an expert on this, as I have fallen back into this pattern more times than I care to admit. What we need to do is, accept it for what it is, learn from it, and allow the emotions to move through our body and be gone.
This one runs deep in my lineage, so I have written many articles about living a purposeful life, what to do when the world feels too much, the journey to meet my soul, 1 simple practice to connect with who you are.
Realising these patterns are sometimes already built into our cells before we are born, allows us to stop beating ourselves up. These patterns have taken decades (and generationally speaking - Centuries) to become so programmed in us.
So, recognise the cracks, embrace and embody every emotion that comes to the surface, and witness how they make you feel, because there is definitely a reason they’ve come to the surface.
The way I experience emotional exhaustion may be very different to the way you experience it, but the underlying feeling of overwhelm and exhaustion will still be the same.
However, learning to be grateful for these experiences will allow these symptoms to pass more quickly than if you fight against them.
See them for the blessing they are, a sign that your souls greater purpose isn’t giving up on you. It’s reminding you that it’s never too late.
It’s shining the light on your true desires and trying to give you the nudge you need to step out of your own way.
Here are a few physical symptoms and possible emotions behind them.
Adrenal Problems - Feeling defeated. Allowing life to get in the way of your true purpose. Anxiety.
Anxiety - Not trusting the flow and the process of life.
Blood Pressure:
High: Longstanding emotional problem.
Low: Lack of love as a child. Also feeling defeated.
Depression - Anger for no particular reason. Hopelessness.
Dizziness - Flighty, scattered thinking. A refusal to look at the truth.
Fatigue - Resistance. Lack of purpose. Feeling the monotony.
Headaches - Invalidating self. Self-criticism. Fear.
Heart - Represents the centre of love and security.
Heart Attack: Squeezing all the joy out of the heart in favour of money or position. Feeling alone and scared. “I’m not good enough. I don’t do enough. I’ll never make it.”
Heart Problems - Longstanding emotional problems. Lack of joy.
Heartburn - Fear. Fear. Fear. Clutching Fear.
Hives - Small, hidden fears. Mountains out of molehills.
Hyperactivity - Fear. Feeling pressured and frantic.
Hyperventilation - Fear. Resisting change. Not trusting the process.
Indigestion - Gut-level fear, dread, anxiety.
Insomnia - Fear. Not trusting the process of life. Guilt.
Lung - The ability to take in life. Depression. Grief. Not feeling worthy of living life fully.
Migraine Headaches - Dislike of being driven. Resisting the flow of life.
Nausea - Fear. Rejecting an idea or experience.
The sooner we acknowledge our emotions are making us sick, the sooner we can release our illnesses from our bodies.
Time, space and compassion.
It’s as simple as those three words, but I know how hard it can feel to implement them in your busy life.
This is the time when the reality of all those niggles and nudges that you’ve been ignoring, start hitting you right in the face.
You realise you’ve been seeing the signs and completely ignoring them.
You start to recognise the pressure you’ve been under, and you finally can see that it’s no wonder you feel the way you do.
Now is when it all starts to crumble, and it has to.
But what it’s about to reveal, is well worth it.
No more pretending you’ve got this.
No more collapsing into bed and wondering how you’re going to do everything tomorrow.
Because you’ve finally realised you can’t. You’re not superhuman.
Release the perfectionism and accept that you can only do what you can do.
No more unreal expectations
It’s time to peel back the next layer and find out who you truly desire to be.
Because the life you’ve been pushing yourself towards isn’t it.
Or if you still feel like it is, perhaps allow yourself to dial it back to a realistic human level.
Now is the time to ask yourself ‘who do I trust enough to say how I’m really feeling’.
I promise you, once you’ve allowed yourself to recognise what’s been staring you in the face and expressing it, first to yourself, then to your closest loved one, it will feel like such a weight has been lifted.
That’s how energy works.
You’re allowing your field to switch from a state of contracted and restricted to expanded and full.
Stepping out of the mayhem that exists around you, and into the calm and tranquillity that you desire, may seem impossible, but tackling it in small bite sized pieces is a much more realistic approach.
Take a moment to feel into some of the suggestions below and pick one or two that feel possible to implement this week.
Each week come back to this list and see if there’s something else you can introduce without putting too much uncertainty on your nervous system.
Slowly your nervous system will begin to show you the difference it feels between the mayhem and the tranquillity.
This is when you begin to recognise there really isn’t an option. What your body had longed for, for so long, is now the only option.
Allow yourself space to feel your emotions.
Ask yourself what’s really important to you.
Practice Gratitude.
Meditate and check in with yourself regularly.
Listen to what your body is telling you.
Allow yourself more time to do the things you love.
Spend time in nature.
Enjoy the simple things.
Surround yourself with those you love the most.
Nourish your body.
Get creative, express your deepest desires.
Own your actions (good or bad).
Remove yourself from those who trigger you.
Set boundaries.
Learn to say NO unapologetically.
Declutter your home and life to allow energy to flow easier.
Create a vision board to allow you to visually see what is important to you.
Start living the life that lights up your heart and soul. It’s time to recognise how beautiful and precious life is and be part of that beauty.
But above all, the most powerful way is by tapping into our true purpose.
Discovering your heart's desires and living by them, will help you to overcome the molehills that seemed like mountains
Join me on this journey to ‘Embodiment and awakening of your body’, it's the first pillar of my Liberate Your Lineage program and can be the start of you finally acknowledging your worthiness. If you would like to know more pop on a free 30-minute discovery call with me and we can see if this is your next step to liberating your life