Seasons of the Soul

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When the pushes and struggles of this 3D world make you feel like there’s no point, or the drama that seems to go on around you makes you feel like you’re the odd one out, or when you feel like it’s too hard and you just want to give up. 

Those are the moments your soul is trying to get your attention. It may not feel like it, but these can be pivotal moments in your timeline if you allow them to be. 

All the pushes and struggles and nudges have just been a way to make you realise there is an alternative or even just to get you back on the path of your purpose. I know we can all relate. We all have moments of living solely in the events that go on around us, we’re definitely not alone there. 

There are an infinite number of souls who are on their path of enlightenment. Some just starting in their awakening stage, some deep in the dark night of their soul and some in a true expanded consciousness. This is not a linear concept, you don’t just tick off one box and move on to another, you will revisit all of these phases many times throughout your life. 

Now if you’re just starting out, you may think your awakening stage can only happen once, but unfortunately, more often than not, you will find we as humans slip. And one of the hardest parts of this journey is when you have been truly expanded and in complete connection with all that is, and you slip. 

When this happens you can spiral very quickly to beating yourself up and wallowing in self pity or you can just as quickly rebuild your collapsed field and get back into the practices that give you the greatest connection. I’ve found though, that there have been times in my life that my humanness has just wanted me to wallow, and when that happens go right ahead until you’re done with the pity party and then start again. No judgement, just allow yourself to do what you feel you need. 

The thing to remember is that we are human and our souls chose to come here and experience all that this human body can endure.

That means the dark and the light and understanding the benefits of both. 

It’s when you’re being held in the depth of darkness that illuminates the light codes of possibilities. 

And vice versa, when you truly embody the light codes within your field, they help to illuminate the patterns that may be creating the darkness (heaviness). 

Seeing the blessing in both and being grateful for the lessons they have brought to you is the key. 


The practise of journaling is such a powerful tool. I had never been one for having a diary or writing down my deepest thoughts, I didn’t see the point. Yes from time to time I might have performed a burning ceremony and write down things that no longer served me and then throw them into the fire. But I never saw the point in writing down my thoughts until these last few years. 

I started sharing my journey on my Facebook business page around the end of 2018 and found it to be so freeing. It allowed me to express my challenges and triumphs (as my soul desires to share) with like minded souls to hold each other up. Through doing this it has allowed me to revisit moments in time and feel the emotions I felt with such clarity, that hasn’t been tainted over time.

As I was writing this, my soul reminded me about a post I wrote about 18 months ago, which was all about the distractions that steered me from my path.  I shared things like:

Does life continually distract you from your purpose? Do you feel lit up by something and before you know it, that spark has gone again?

I have lived that feeling more times than I care to remember. 

With the busyness of creating what my soul so strongly desired, my head got involved.

Slowly over these past couple of months my head started to take over.

I pushed myself more and more and the entrepreneur in me took over.

As this happened, more and more things began to distract me.

I started to feel continually rushed and it felt like I never had enough time.

I had done it again.

I had allowed myself, once again, to be distracted from my purpose.

But my body knew this was not my authentic self and it was time to realign with my soul.

I was reminded to sit in the stillness of my body and feel these emotions.

She felt lost.

She felt forgotten.

As she spoke to me, I could feel her sadness.

She felt like she was yet again a passenger in this body of mine.


Reading this post after 18 months has allowed me to witness the growth I have made during this time. And now even when life does tend to weigh me down or try to distract me with dramas that are going on around me, I know what my soul needs, to be lifted and expanded again. 


Quite simply for me, my soul expands and slows my body down by being in nature and allowing stillness in my body. This is why I have chosen a more purposeful life.  If the dramas of the outside world try to creep in, I see them for what they are and bring myself back to the peace of my soul field. 


The joys (or some might say challenges) of being human is, we can get caught up too easily in what is happening in the world around us. It might be all very well and good to say ‘be still and connect’, but if you haven’t done this before it’s not very helpful. So please allow me to give you some simple tips to help you. 


When we feel stressed or out of control in our lives, we can escape our bodies and turn on autopilot mode. This is when our fight or flight response is activated and we are in a reactive mode. 

The quickest and simplest way to start moving into a place where we can find some peace and start to see more options ahead of us is through embodiment. Check out my post on the Art of Embodiment if you’re interested in trying it out for yourself.


When I was first starting out on my healing journey, coming back to myself was one of the most effective practises I started to commit to. It helped me to be with all parts of myself and see where I was being unkind or neglecting myself. Just observing without judgement.  

This one simple practise (that you can commit to yourself here) reminded me who I was outside of all the roles I fulfilled in the world for everyone else. It allowed me space to just work out who I truly was, without rules or restrictions.


In energy and soul medicine, we talk a lot about the art of surrendering, but this has become a bit of a buzzword that may not make sense to everyone. This is as simple as:

Acknowledge that moment when you realise everything is feeling a bit much and stop.

Stop and just be in that moment.

Feel the emotions and sensations moving through you and let them be and take a few deep breaths.

As you inhale, allow new energy to enter your body. Let it fill you up. Allow that breath to go right out into your fingers and down into your toes. Feel the way your body feels when you draw new energy in. Alive and vibrant.

And as you exhale, release the energy that no longer serves you. Allow it to flow out of your body with love and gratitude for all that it has done for you. Allow it to go back to Mother Earth, so she can cleanse it and breathe new life into it.

Continue each breath with the intention of bringing life into the body and releasing the breath with gratitude for the life it has given you. 

Allow every cell of your body to feel cleansed and rejuvenated.

Releasing stale stagnant energy is extremely beneficial to your body, if you don’t, it gets stuck and causes blockages in your body which down the track will be a lot harder to remove than with a single breath.

Allow yourself these moments throughout the day. It only takes a few minutes to clear your energy which inevitably allows your energy field and your soul to expand.

Sometimes the world feels too much that even these seemingly simple practices can feel overwhelming. Throughout my healing journey, calling on friends, professionals, and healing practitioners has been the key, asking for help that I never felt worthy of reaching out for before. 

This is just something else that we have been taught to think about our place in the world. 

Reaching out for help is - in itself - an act of courage and strength. If you need some support, please reach out and let’s chat about how I could support you.


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