Let me introduce myself ..


I am Ness, and I’m an Energy & Soul Medicine Practitioner.


I’m here to help sensitive souls heal, flourish and create a more magnificent future.


Throughout my healing journey I’ve had 2 major Soul Awakenings that have led me to become the woman that stands before you now.  The phrase that resonates with me the most, describes my journey perfectly.



The greatest awakenings come from the deepest traumas




This is where my first Soul Awakening begun.  I was 33, a single mum of 4 young children, and had recently spent a month in hospital with double pneumonia in both lungs. My life had been turned upside down, my 4 children were divided between family and friends and were too young to understand what was going on, all they knew was ‘mum wasn’t well’.  

I was lost and trying to make sense of where I go next. 

I was on an insane amount of medication and refused to believe I would have to live like that long term, so I started researching how I could heal myself. 


I was drawn to  Himalayan Crystal Salt which completely opened me up to the healing powers of Mother Earth.  This changed my life so significantly that I realised somehow I needed to help others become aware of its healing abilities.  This is how I discovered my initial gateway into helping people heal, Naturally Nessa was born and I was determined to inform the world of the remarkable healing properties within this salt that was created millions of years ago and held by Mother Earth.


My second Soul Awakening happened when I was 46.  This time it truly cracked me wide open and allowed me to become the woman I am today.  During the previous 5 years my life had once again been turned upside down, but this time gradually over a longer period of time.


Like I said previously, the greatest awakenings come from the deepest traumas.


At the end of 2017 my life came crashing down. I had undergone many life changing events during the previous 4 years. I had cared for my mother and helped her transition from this world, I had re-entered a more corporate world and I was then caring for my father who was 90 years old.


I was dealing with Adrenal Fatigue, low Kidney function with the possibility of dialysis, an under-active Thyroid and the majority of my organs and glands were slowly shutting down. My will to live was at an all time low and even though I was the main carer for my father, I had got to the point where I was unable to care for him, my children and most definitely not myself. I was in denial that my body was shutting down.


After a year of Doctors, Naturopaths, Homeopath and Pathologists I was called by an inner voice to heal myself.


My digestion had completely shut down from the overload of supplements and medication I had been taking and I was no longer absorbing any nutrients from the food that I ate.  I had to help my digestive system to heal so it could once again help feed my body.  I began a 4 month juice cleanse and completely removed all solid food from my diet.


At the same time I was lead to Energy and Soul Medicine and began my Practitioners Certification.  It was never my intention to become a healer, I simply wanted to heal myself, yet once I discovered the power that existed within me, I knew I had to once again help the world discover that we all have this within us.  Our souls are literally screaming at us to listen.


It was the combination of Energy & Soul Medicine and Nutrition that helped my mind, body and soul to heal.


I now dedicate my life to helping others not only heal and bring the calm back into their bodies, but discover their own unique healing gifts. 


The Liberate Your Lineage Workbook is here

If you’re starting down the path of spiritual enlightenment or feeling the pull to shift the way you are perceived within your family dynamics, this workbook is the perfect place to begin.

I have pieced together tips and practices to allow you to navigate this journey and support your Nervous System while subtly transforming your energy field.

I offer this 70 page workbook free of charge to allow you to start your re-birth in the comfort of your own home.


 For me it all started with one session.

This one session helped me reclaim the essence of my soul.
