For a Beautiful Gentle Transition

As the end of life is approaching for either yourself or a loved one, your emotions and everything involved, can become overwhelming. There are so many different aspects needed to be taken into consideration. This is where an End of Life Doula can help.

I am here, in service to you.

As well as helping you source physical support like carers, pharmaceuticals, equipment hire, hospice, legal advice, etc; I also offer an enlightened soul path. I have combined my energy and soul practice with my life time of experience in the retirement industry to assist you in your time of need.

As much as Death has become a very unspoken subject, it is the natural evolution of life. The sooner we as humans accept death as a part of life, the sooner we can bring the loving and nurturing back into this transition.

Let’s allow our souls a gentle, loving and smooth transition.

For far too long we have handed over our dying to the hospital system.  I realise there are many situations where hospitals are a necessity; unfortunately we seem to have handed over far too much power.

There are many situations where transitioning at home is a much more beautiful and comfortable approach for the dying and their loved ones.

Caring for your parent, spouse or child in your own home can make the final months of their life a celebration of who they are, and creating a a very blessed union, instead of the very clinical, joyless alternative. It allows loved ones to be part of this transition in their own hours and allows the dying to feel they are part of a meaningful passing.

If you are approaching the end of your life and would like to know how you can guide your loved ones to the passing you would like. I am here to help.

Many emotions can begin to come to the surface during this time. If you are prepared to lovingly work through these, it’s the most beautiful process to illuminate any unresolved issues and allow the healing process to begin.

I offer guidance and understanding through embodiment. This is a very sacred and loving process allowing you to feel into an emotion that you may have blocked for many years. You will be amazed how dealing with, and releasing, blocked trauma can help both yourself and the person dying to dissolve regret, guilt and even unspoken forgiveness.

Allowing the dying to clear all ancestral karma is the greatest gift you can give.

Knowing they have completed a generational pattern that has tormented them their entire life, so that future generations will not repeat the process, is priceless.

Their soul can transition knowing they have left their family with a clear path.


My role is to accompany the soul transitioning and their loved ones through the final months, weeks and days.  I provide support, resources, education and friendship.

I prefer to offer these services in person but do not like to limit my services only to South East Queensland in Australia.  Therefore, I also offer the same services globally via Zoom.

I can offer daily, weekly, fortnightly or monthly sessions, with as many zoom calls necessary to help you during this difficult time.


Because this is a very personal offering which varies for everyone, please reach out and contact me so we can organise a package that’s right for you. 

Have questions about how this can work, or simply want to meet me first?

Let’s have a free, no obligation soul chat.