Allow Your Feminine Essence To Soften And Connect With Your Soul

Women have been programmed to believe that we must be in a constant state of striving and hustling to achieve the life we desire.

What so many have forgotten is that we’re designed to unfold and open like a flower in our own unique way, guided by our body and connected to our soul. 

Somehow, society has convinced us that our purpose in life is to be there for everyone else and that our desires are insignificant. 

We’re told there’s always something we could be doing better; eating better, exercising more, making more money, and creating our dream life. 

And then on top of that, we’re told we must; become more spiritual, heal our emotional wounds, and create a conscious, intimate relationship. All of which I completely encourage and agree with as long as you’re coming from a place of abundance and not lack. 

When we focus on lack, we attract more of the same, but when we create from love and abundance our soul guides us in a gentle, soft and loving way. 

This relentless expectation that society has ingrained in us to always be striving for more is mirrored everywhere. Our work life, our personal life, our education systems, even in the multi-billion dollar self-help and personal development industry. 

It’s seen in the way we perceive progress as equating predominantly to productivity and convenience.

Ultimately it’s in the very roots of how our Western civilisation has devalued so many indigenous cultures. 

Yet as gentle, deep feminine women, this way of living is so detrimental to our souls. 

This constant focus on striving and hustling is the complete opposite of what truly nourishes a woman’s soul.

It robs us of our innate desire to soften into our natural selves, and instead, convinces us that we’re not enough as we are.

This way of living fails to recognise and acknowledge the softness of our divine roots and our desire and need for true soulful connection. 


I notice when women speak to me about wanting to make changes in their lives, that they’ve been conditioned to believe that the only way to do this is to struggle and force themselves to change.

They’ve been told that the key to making their lives better, is in doing more.

When what they really need is, to BE more not DO more. 

BE in the softness of your feminine essence. 

BE present in the current timeline of your soul. 

BE still and listen to what your feminine essence is saying. 

We need to slow down and release the capitalistic approach we have been raised with and allow ourselves to just BE and connect with nature. 

Remove yourself from being accountable to society and start being accountable to your soul. 

Recognise that all actions generated from the external are usually coming from a place of lacking, so you will always feel the need for something more. 

Women are being inadvertently convinced to reject their feminine energy.

And because feminine energy is what allows a woman to feel her true worth, purpose and radiance, rejecting its presence leads to an endless loop of striving to be more, yet never feeling quite enough.

When we’re constantly focused on needing to optimise and improve ourselves, we start to believe that every action we take must be a means to an end, instead of an agenda-less experience of our own inner beauty, radiance and grace.

This is something I knew all too well. The situations in my life forced me to be a strong empowered woman (which I embraced) but because of this, for many years I unknowingly squashed my feminine essence. 

Now I see and feel the beauty, grace and softness of my feminine essence.

This is something we must allow to unfold naturally in its own time, it can’t be forced. 

This is why I encourage women to constantly return to the sentiment of softening, over striving.

It’s this softening that is the absolute key to our fulfilment as women.

It’s what balances out the relentless conditioning we’ve been exposed to that strips us of our feminine beauty.

This softening is far more powerful to our body and soul than any attempts to optimise our lives ever could be. 


Asking women to soften may sound so simple, but it’s actually one of the most challenging things a woman can do. Not because the process of softening in itself is hard, but because the majority of the world has convinced us to do the exact opposite.

We’re brainwashed to believe that it’s not safe to soften. That we’ll fall behind in life, and our emotions will get the better of us. But the best is, we won’t be deserving of our desires if we don’t strive to earn them.

This was why I started my business in the first place, when I tapped into my energy of exhaustion and lacking I could feel that it was a much bigger collective energy, not just my own.

And I know from experience, how easy it is to be persuaded that we are being selfish when we stray from our goals and pursuits to embody our feminine truths. 

There have been many times that I’ve felt the need to over-explain myself, compromise myself, and break my feminine integrity for the sake of an outcome or external expectation that I thought I should be meeting.

This is definitely a journey we must all walk for ourselves. I write this as encouragement not only for you but also as a reminder to my own feminine soul. 

A reminder that we don’t need to be pushing, striving and forcing our way through life just to achieve what we’ve been told we should achieve. 

We don’t need to be continually compromising ourselves to meet external expectations. Instead, we can soften into a life that honours our organic design and allows us to deeply value and trust our natural selves and unique unfolding.


We heal because a part of us has already chosen more.

Your soul is already weaving a bigger dreaming and asking you to become the person who can claim it.

Have you noticed a shift? 

Has the lens that you look through become deeper, brighter and freer?

Do you feel more connected to yourself, your heart, the earth and others?

Do you feel a deep sense of peace

and wonder?

I deeply believe our soul chooses challenges and opportunities to trigger us, for us to awaken our consciousness and remember who we are and why we’re here.

These 'triggers' are an invitation for us to soften and allow our feminine essence to guide us with gratitude through the lessons that have been presented to us.

So tap into your unique feminine soul flow, and create a field that feels energised and luscious. This will have a much deeper, more profound impact on those who experience it.

Being in the channel of your soul and connected to your feminine essence is the most sublime feeling.

It’s like the living field of intelligence plunges into your body; in that moment, you are a vessel for something greater than yourself to be expressed through you.

So embody the courage to live your truth and give thanks to your soul for the divine alignment.

And allow your energy to ripple out into your external world, attracting souls that deeply nourish you.

This is how we live in a world devoid of deep connection. 

This potency is how we can be of greater service to humanity.