Are You Listening To What Your Body Is Trying To Tell You?

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It astounds me that ninety percent of the physical pain we experience in our body is due to emotions that are trapped within our body and yet we just ignore it. All the baggage from our relationships, our childhood, our work environment stay with us, and it’s these energies that disrupt our Nervous System and cause diseases and much of our self-sabotage.

Opening up our awareness to our physical body helps us to see that we are so much more than simply flesh and blood.  Every cell within our body contains infinite innate wisdom capable of immense healing and creation.  Our body is literally a Universe within our Universe.  And the interplay between our emotions and our physical body is key to unlocking its healing potential.  

We all need to start interpreting the signals and symptoms our body is showing us. Our major organs play a unique part in the communication between our conscious and subconscious mind.

My body from a very young age has communicated with me, but it was only as an adult that I started to interpret what it was actually saying.  My lungs started before I can even remember and my kidneys started when I was 9 years old.  Through truly living and breathing embodiment, I now know that my Kidneys were communicating - Fear and my Lungs were communicating - Grief, but to a child, it was simply physical pain and discomfort.

As a teenager, I recognised that my emotions triggered my Asthma and I started describing my Asthma as Emotional Asthma.  When I moved out of my childhood home, my symptoms all but disappeared until I was confronted with stress or conflict, which at that time mostly came from work.

It really wasn’t until later in life that my Kidneys played a major part in my life with Adrenal Fatigue and basically just shutting down.  Yes, they played a small part during the later months of each pregnancy, but it wasn’t until later when I was a single mum, raising 4 children on my own, renovating my house, caring for my father and overseeing the running of a business that my Kidneys let me know - enough.

I was someone who never let anything stop me, a lot of that was inbuilt in my cells, proving to the world and my family that I was capable of anything.

I remember thinking, I’m not stressed, I just have a lot of things that I’m juggling.  I couldn’t see that each of those things were stressful on their own, but combine them with each other and no wonder my body was crying out for help. 

Can you relate?  Can you recognise your life when I describe how my life was?  This is why I invite you to take a good look at yourself now.  Don’t allow your body to get to breaking point before you start to notice the symptoms it’s showing you.  Start incorporating even the smallest amount of time for self-care and embodiment.  I didn’t listen, and after a while of ignoring my symptoms, I got to the point of my body completely shutting down.



I remember reaching out to my gorgeous niece Melissa who is a Kinesiologist and the founder of Soul Medicine Academy, to help me understand what my body was trying to tell me.  I had spent an entire year putting my faith in Doctors, Naturopaths & Homeopaths and felt worse than I did the year before.

She helped me in just one session to find the hope I was looking for, which ultimately over time allowed me to reconnect to my body, my soul and so much more.

But listening to what my body was trying to communicate to me after our session will stick with me forever.  

During our session, Melissa asked me if I could take a couple of weeks off and go to Bali or just step away from all my commitments.  You need to stop and getaway.  Well, I just laughed.  With everything I had going on in my life as if I could just drop everything and leave.  That’s when the ‘To Do List’ started playing on repeat in my head.

At that stage, it was my Kidneys that were talking to me and I remember saying to her, normally if I can’t deal with something or the stress of everything has got too much, my Lungs will kick in and let me know to slow down.  

And that’s exactly what happened.

I was literally going down the elevator leaving her apartment and I could feel my lungs tightening and my breath changing.  My body had just heard me say, my lungs will let me know.  So that’s what they were doing.  It was like they were saying, if you’re waiting for us to tell you, well here you go.

So I decided to give myself a week off and work from my bed (I laugh at that now - that a week off still meant I worked from bed) and as I slowed down, my body literally wouldn’t allow me to start up again.  

So a week turned into a month, and by then I was starting to hear everything my body was telling me.  I had finally slowed down enough to see and feel what was going on.  I realised it was much worse than I could have imagined, no wonder my organs were shutting down, I was literally killing myself trying to keep everything on the go.  

That is why I am so passionate about helping others recognise not only what their body is trying to tell them, but to also reconnect with their soul and the infinite creative energy that is available to us all.

Please don’t ignore the symptoms your body is telling you or numb them out with pain killers or drugs. These signs are invitations to unlocking your body's full potential.  You have the opportunity to tap into this gift. Aren’t you worth taking a chance on?

Don’t allow the ‘To Do List’ to become more important than you are.  Because I speak from experience when I say, nothing is more important than you are. Someone else can do that job for you or it just simply won’t get done.  You are the most important thing.  Take the time to recognise that.



 It’s really quite fascinating how our body holds certain emotions in different parts of our body. 

As I mentioned earlier, my body’s weaknesses are Lungs and Kidneys.  Have you ever really taken notice of the connection between the imbalances of your organs and your emotions?

It’s our emotions and the effects they have on our physical body that majorly contribute to our mental, physical and emotional wellbeing.  Learning how to release trapped emotion is key to removing disease from our body.

I have listed below 5 of our major organs and how they play an enormous role in signalling to us that something in our life is out of alignment.


Emotions: Too much in your head, excessive mental work, worry, dwelling or focusing on too much.

Spleen function: The spleen plays an important part in the body's immune system and acts as a blood filter, removing old blood cells, bacteria, and impurities from the body.  Its other functions are food digestion and nutrient absorption. The spleen helps in the formation of blood and energy and keeping blood in the blood vessels.  The spleen is connected with the muscles, mouth, and lips; also involved in thinking, studying, and memory.

Symptoms of spleen imbalance: Tiredness, loss of appetite, mucus discharge, poor digestion, abdominal distension, loose stools, diarrhea, weak muscles, pale lips, bruising, excess menstrual blood flow, and other bleeding disorders

Possible Issue: Spleen qi deficiency, spleen qi descending, spleen yang deficiency



Emotions: Grief,  sadness, loss or detachment.

Lung function: The lungs bring oxygen into the body and remove carbon dioxide. The respiratory system supplies energy from the air we breathe and helps to distribute it throughout the body.  They work with the kidneys to regulate water metabolism.  They’re important in the immune system and for resistance to viruses and bacteria.  The Lungs are connected to sweat glands, body hair and provide moisture to the skin.

Symptoms of lung imbalance: Shortness of breath and shallow breathing, sweating, fatigue, cough, frequent cold and flu, allergies, asthma, and other lung conditions, dry skin, depression, and excessive crying.

Possible Issue: Lung qi deficiency, lung yin deficiency, and cold damp obstructing the lungs. 



Emotions: Anger, resentment, frustration, irritability, bitterness or "flying off the handle".

Liver function: Digestion and the processing of nutrients are the primary functions of this vital organ.  Involved in the smooth flow of energy and blood throughout the body, it regulates bile secretion and stores blood.  The Liver is connected with the tendons, nails, and eyes.

Symptoms of liver imbalance: Breast distension, menstrual pain, headache, irritability, inappropriate anger, dizziness, dry, red eyes, and other eye conditions, and tendonitis.

Possible Issue: Liver qi stagnation, liver fire. 



Emotions: Lack of enthusiasm and vitality, mental restlessness, depression, insomnia, and despair.  Also, joy when balanced. 

Heart function: The heart pumps blood throughout the body. It regulates blood circulation and blood vessels.  It’s responsible for even and regular pulse and influences vitality and spirit.  The Heart is connected with the tongue, complexion, and arteries.

Symptoms of heart imbalance: Insomnia, heart palpitations, irregular heartbeat, excessive dreaming, poor long-term memory, and psychological disorders. 

Possible Issue: Heart yin and heart fire. 



Emotions: Fearful, weak willpower, insecure, aloof, anxiety or isolation.

Kidney function: The Kidneys remove waste and excess fluid to make urine. They are the key organs for sustaining life.  They’re responsible for reproduction, growth and development and maturation.  They’re involved with the lungs in water metabolism and respiration.  The Kidney’s are connected with bones, teeth, ears, and head hair.

Symptoms of kidney imbalance: Frequent urination, urinary incontinence, night sweats, dry mouth, poor short-term memory, low back pain, ringing in the ears, hearing loss, other ear conditions, premature grey hair, hair loss, and osteoporosis.

Possible Issue: Kidney yin deficiency, kidney yang deficiency.


I hope this has helped to shed some light on just a few ways your body is talking to you. 

Embodiment and the awakening of your body, is the first pillar of my Liberate Your Lineage program.  If this resonates with you or piques your interest, please reach out for a chat.  I also offer a free 30-minute discovery call to help you feel into the container of this program.


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