Our Souls Know No Time

Our souls incarnate in our bodies to choose challenges and opportunities to trigger us, for us to awaken our consciousness and remind us who we are and why we are here.

These triggers are an invitation and a gateway to allow our souls to evolve and grow with the lessons we came here to learn, and I am so

deeply grateful for all of them, no matter how challenging they may have been. 

We all have a choice to live courageously, and stay in alignment or to decline this growth.

If we choose to ignore these lessons, you can be certain that a bigger one will be just around the corner to give you the opportunity once again.

This leads people to wonder why life is so tough or why the universe is against them, but the real reason is that your soul is asking you to step up and recognise why you are here at this moment in time. 

We all have a reason why we are here, we just need to follow the breadcrumbs and decipher the clues as they are laid before us. 

By staying in alignment your energy ripples out into your external world, attracting the most soul-led souls to deeply nourish you.

Give yourself permission to pivot when things no longer feel aligned and make bold moves when it's a full heart yes.

Set an intention to not get caught up in the distractions of unattainable external beauty and remain in your soul truth.

By doing this, things will deeply shift within you. 

The lens that you look through and see the world will become deeper, brighter and freer.

You will feel more connected to yourself, your heart, your soul, the earth and others. 

You will be guided with a deep sense of peace and wonder.


Soul Love is like poetry, it touches the parts of us that can’t physically be touched but can be felt so deeply in the very core of your being 💞

Our souls know no time... They’re timeless, effortless and nonlinear and when two souls finally reconnect after possibly lifetimes it’s like they were never apart. 

This is dedicated to my one true love. 

From the very first moment, we knew.

It wasn’t just the things we said or did,

It was what we didn’t have to say or do.

It’s what we just knew.

When you belong with someone, 

every fibre of your being aches to be with them.

From the first hello, that sense of belonging becomes much more than a thought, a desire or a need…

It became a necessity.

I often used to wonder how I’d know or what this would feel like, but the truth is, I can’t describe the beauty and amazing feeling you have when you find the one meant for you.

Words fail the wonder of that feeling, it eclipses all description and lies beyond any understanding…

Because you just know.. and I really can’t explain it, because the power of the truth lies far beyond anything words can describe.

I know the answer before I can even ask the question, and while that may not make sense to all, the ones who have been there will understand.

The glances that become conversations,

The kisses that become fire,

The moments that become memories.

There’s countless ways that I love you and countless more reasons that I’m proud to be by your side.

I’ll never let a day go by without reminding you how very much you’re loved nor let time pass by where I don’t show my appreciation…

But most of all, I can’t wait to build a life and a future with you…

Always and forever, my love.

I wish this connection for every soul who comes upon my words x


You know you are an awakened soul when you see the world and life itself differently from other people.

An awakened soul is a spiritually enlightened being, who looks past all the veils that society has put in everyone’s eyes, and works towards being someone who can contribute to humankind the right way.

They may be seen as radicals, hippies, rebels, misfits, and oddballs, but the truth remains the same. Awakened souls are different, but they are a beautifully uplifting different.

Adhering to societal norms and rules are not something they believe in; rather they are always looking to bring about true change and enlightenment.

“You wake up one day and it’s different, not so much in a physical way but in the way you look at things. I think when you reach that primary moment in your life, you finally have the courage to let go of the human attachments and start to live in a way that compliments your heart and soul.” – Nikki Rowe

You’re no longer interested in media or anything else that people accept as ‘normal’. 

Spirituality becomes a way of life and you don’t feel the need to follow any religion or philosophy.

You become more compassionate. You would rather sit down and talk with a homeless person than attend an ‘important’ social event.

Your kindness is real and you never feel the need for revenge.

You feel fulfilled only when you help the ones in need. You are soul-led by healing from the heart.

There is a fine thread of light that connects you with other people. Your heart is wide open and people feel safe to confess their secrets, confide their problems and share personal experiences with you.

You are a careful listener who helps others in times of difficulty by conveying the universal wisdom.

This is the true purpose of your soul awakening.


Soul contracts are decided before we are even born.

We engage in these contracts to give us the opportunity to learn and grow.

To learn the act of forgiveness, someone must take on the responsibility to deeply hurt you. Thus providing you with the choice to either forgive them or stay resentful.

To know how to be independent and strong, someone must ensure they abandon you at your worst hour. Thus giving you the opportunity to either stand up for yourself or fall down and succumb to your circumstances.

So, everyone you meet has signed up to help your soul’s evolution. YOU have signed up too, to deal with them. Unfortunately yes, even the annoying ones.

By knowing that everything is part of this elaborate plan, you can allow yourself to grow.

Our pain should guide us, not make us feel helpless.

This is part of your soul's ascension.

As the name suggests – it is ascending or rising above the current state. The higher you’re able to move up, it allows you to see the bigger picture of your life.

Back yourself by being your own sovereign being.

This is when you begin to see that we’ve all decided to do this together. To build each other up even if it means, ironically, breaking each other down sometimes.

It’s these very triggers that someone brings out in us, which become the catalyst for our healing. 

And if we are able to transcend the pain of these wounds, the pain becomes our guide.

However, we need to understand that we are letting go of years (sometimes lifetimes) of conditioning. 

So at times, you may find yourself experiencing an intensified feeling of duality and separation in your relationships, as your worldview shifts.

Allow the burning to occur, because out of the ashes, the phoenix will arise. 

This is a temporary phase of your awakening.

Over time, you will embrace the differences and step back into the Oneness. To be able to rise like the phoenix and be in touch with your eternal flame.