Live In The Mystery That Stillness Creates

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There is so much growth in allowing yourself the space to sit in stillness.  The challenge in life is to keep your heart open, even when you feel the need to shut down.


Even when you’re not in an expansion phase, stay open and allow your body and soul the integration it desires.


There may still be that old part of you that wants to hide in your cave and close off from the world, but there is also that part of you that knows you are capable of holding the space you need. Allow the duality to alchemise. 


The truth is, you can nurture and love yourself in seclusion and still hold your expansion at the same time.


Perhaps you can relate.


I know I can.


Over these last couple of years, I have met my soul every time she’s asked me to expand and trust.


I have known she only had the highest of intention for me, so I have done as she has asked.


At the beginning of this year, I stretched myself further than I feel I ever have before. On a human level it was nerve-wracking, yet on a soul level I could feel the hum of pure alignment.


My heart would race at times and I felt very uncertain, but I also knew I wouldn’t have been asked to do this if I wasn’t ready, and if it wasn’t for my highest good. This is when the magic of living in the mystery is at its finest. 


Over the next few weeks, I lived in that expansion and it felt magnificent.


Then I hit what felt like a plateau. My emotions weren’t as heightened and it felt like I was starting to lose that magnificence.


But instead of going into contraction as I would have a few years ago, I asked the field what it needed? Was I missing something? How can I support the field to maintain this expansion?


So I allowed myself time to sit with what I was feeling.


And with that stillness came great clarity.


My body and soul needed time to integrate.


I had to allow my body the time it needed to adjust to this new frequency.


Sometimes all it takes is a few simple questions to allow the field to guide your body, or your body to guide the field, or even your soul to guide both. So stop judging yourself and give yourself permission to just be.


No matter how long you’ve been travelling your spiritual path and no matter what you know, we all have these moments, it’s part of this 3D human experience.


Remember, the most amazing magic happens when you tune into your body’s authentic vibration.



Adyashanti says “Make no mistake about it – enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It’s seeing through the facade of pretence. It’s the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.”  


This may sound unnerving, but death and rebirth are simply a part of the evolution of life creating space. It’s the natural cycle of releasing the old way of thinking, doing and being and allowing it to simply fall away to allow the new to come in. 


It’s not death in terms of physicality but the death of the false identities we have with our ego, mind; and body.


We may find some habits or patterns fall away effortlessly, while others may return many times before we’re ready to part ways with them. 


When we begin to awaken to our true self, our ego faces the threat of death and may try many things to maintain its power. 


But as we move forward on this journey and awaken to our true essence of an infinite and eternal being, the ego gives in and allows the soul to lead. 


Death of the ego is part of discovering our true identity. We step out of the reality that we believed to be true and into the Infinite field of oneness with everything.


To live in the mystery means you need to allow the unravelling to occur before you see the beauty that unveils itself to you. It can’t be rushed, you can’t put a timeframe on it, you have to allow all the belief systems and conditionings you have known to crumble away.

You begin to realise that you are the same essence that you have always been, but a much more refined pure one. You feel more interconnected with the Universe and the Multiverse than ever before.

This is when you start to recognise that the possibilities are endless and up until now you’ve been limiting your potential. 

Don’t allow fear of the unknown to stop you. Allow the mystery to be the driving force that guides you forward to become the best possible version you can be. 

You’ll notice that your perception of reality starts to change and you’re listening to those niggles that soul is guiding you towards. It may also surprise you that the things you held as important, now seem insignificant, this is because YOU are what’s been missing all along. 

While allowing your body to re-integrate, you may notice your energy drop and your emotions heighten, don’t be deterred by this, the energetic field is simply helping your body recalibrate to your souls true essence. 

It’s from this place that you begin to see through the unhealthy coping mechanisms you once clung to. You notice the patterns that have started to reveal themselves to you and you recognise how your ego once would have played a role in your response. 

Now as you allow your presence to be felt and as you take up space, it’s time for you to learn a new way of coping with different people and circumstances as they trigger the unhealthy wounds that you carry within you. 

It may also feel natural for you to start to create a safe haven for your solitude. You will need this place to allow plenty of reflection and contemplation. 

This will be a place you come back to often when the pressure of the outside world becomes too much. You may even find if you start to retreat often, that the environment you surround yourself with may need to change. Suddenly your boundaries become more defined and you aren’t willing to accept life as you once knew it. 

The to-do list, deadlines, goals, and things that drove you before have suddenly lost their charm.

Suddenly the authentic you has moved the goalposts and your purpose has changed. You no longer have the patience for the rat race and the grind of day to day living. 

All these signs are the nudge you need to reorganise your life and create your life around your passion and purpose. 

During this phase be kind and gentle with yourself. You are rediscovering what you actually already know deep down but have allowed the programming from your childhood and society to override. Allow your authentic self to shine through and hold you during this time. 

If you find yourself starting to struggle at any time, try bringing yourself back through meditation and mindfulness practices. Allow the calm to be your new set point. 

If any of these processes resonate with you and you would like to discover a deeper understanding of where your soul is guiding you, please reach out for a free 30-minute discovery call


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Vanessa McBroom