Trust Your Worth

Don’t give away your power and lose the essence of who you are.

From such a young age we are taught and told, to do things against our will that we don’t want to do, to fit in and get along with others. 

What we should be taught is to avoid giving away our power by listening to our inner voice, our intuition or our gut knowing. 

In many ways, we are taught from the time we are children to give away our power to others. 

As simple as being told to kiss and hug relatives or friends of the family when we don't want to. 

This is why I always put my hands out to my one-year-old granddaughter, so she can decide if she wants to come to me, and then she can respond the same back to me or not.

I would never just grab her and pick her up against her will because I want her to recognise her inner sense of knowing and her right to determine for herself what she wants, and what feels right. 

In most experiences, our free will and intuition are lost before we even have a chance to grow them. 

We go along with things even though our gut is telling us something different. 

By this point, we may not even know how to hold on to our power, because giving it away is so automatic and ingrained in us.

To some of us, giving our energy to others feels like part of our normal social contract, and we feel that we have to do it in order to survive.

But it is possible to exchange energy in a way that preserves our inner integrity and stability. 

Listening to the voice that continues to let you know what you want, no matter how many times you try to override its messages.  

Another way we give away our power is by letting other people make decisions for us, not voting, and not voicing our opinion when our body is telling us to.

But there’s a fine line between voicing your opinion and standing in your power, versus being aggressive and not willing to listen to others.

Being aggressive is a form of fear, and acting from fear will never give you the outcome you desire. You must come from your heart and allow your inner balance to come back into play. 

As you confront your shadow you can transcend your current limitations. ⁠ ⁠


When we first start down this path we need to decipher what the signs are and then fine-tune how we interpret them.

I know you’re probably thinking, my intuition doesn’t tell me anything, my gut is always silent, I can’t hear anything. 

However, even if you can’t hear that little voice in your head whenever your intuition feels something’s not right, your body will give you signs. 

You just have to take the time to learn what the signs are and how your body is trying to tell you.

If your intuition is signalling you positive feelings, this is what happens in your body:

You feel comfortable, your mind is calm and there are no thoughts rushing through your mind.

You’re okay with whoever is entering your personal space, no alarm bells are ringing.

You’re relaxed and you breathe easily, with no anxiety or panic arising in your chest. 

You feel warmth spreading around your chest & heart area. 

The feeling of déjà vu happens, your soul feels as if you’re in the right place at the right time.

You want more, you don’t want this feeling to end.

If your intuition is signalling negative feelings, your body warns you by giving you these signs:

You don’t feel comfortable, and if this feeling is strong enough, you might even hear the voice in your head telling you to step away.

You have difficulty breathing, anxiety in the chest or even a lump in your throat. 

You feel cold or get goosebumps, you may even start shivering or get chills down your spine. 

You have a sudden sense of needing more personal space, you can’t bear to move close.

You might suddenly get a strong headache or start feeling drained like your energy is being sucked out of you, even if you haven’t done much that day.

Listen to these signals, don’t dismiss your body’s innate wisdom. 


When we tap into this level of awareness, we stop living from a place of powerlessness towards the current ebb and flow of life. We acquire a sense of resilience and confidence and recognise that we are the driving force of our destiny.

Intuition is innate to everyone.

However, sometimes we may first have to do a little of the heavy lifting of tapping into our soul and unpacking trauma, guilt, family beliefs or even cultural stories that we may have used to protect us from what seemed unsafe to tap into. 

But please don’t go against your intuition. 

You don’t have to spend time with a person that makes you uncomfortable.

Don’t feel guilty if you choose not to spend time with someone based on what your gut is trying to tell you.

Your gut is always right!

Nowadays, I don’t feel obliged to give someone a second chance if I didn’t feel comfortable around them in the first place.

There are many ways to develop your intuition... Some may work for you and some may not. So it’s important not to give up until you find the method that works for you.

Once you start trusting your instinct, your life will become much easier, you’ll be able to make better, smarter choices when it comes to your time and who you choose to spend it with.

How is YOUR intuition showing you something’s not right?

Have you ever felt the physical signs your body was showing you, but still chose to ignore them?

Trusting your worth and knowing your intuition are ways to help and guide you in a world where many people aren’t the people they portray themselves to be. 

Life is much easier when we give ourselves the space and time to make a conscious choice. 

So don’t feel guilty, give yourself the time and space you need to do what’s right for you.


Take time to nourish your Soul by doing things you enjoy and that uplift you, and that help you to connect with your Divine self.

1 Get up half an hour earlier and go for a walk, do some yoga, have a bath, breathe, relax and start the day in a calm and self-loving way. Make this your self-loving practice.

2 Change the way you think about time. Remember time shrinks and expands according to the time allotted to it. In other words, be spacious with yourself, instead of thinking in ‘rush’ mode, start to think in ‘calm’ mode.

3 The language we use around any experience determines that experience. So make the language one of positivity, solution-based and do it with an expansive perspective. If you find this hard at first then allocate extra time on each task so you do feel more relaxed about it.

4 Book yourself some treats. A movie, a day out, get a new book to read, an exercise class, a walk with a friend, a date with yourself. Walk along a beach followed by lunch in a nice cafe or a picnic in the park.

5 Start to prioritise what you need and what you want during the day. This includes cooking your favourite meals, playing the music you love in the car and restructuring the time you spend with others so it takes the pressure off your day.

6 Take a day to just STOP, fast on water or juices and laze around the house with nothing to do and nowhere to go. It will definitely feel hard at first, but you deserve to recalibrate your life and your energy to the way you want to live.

After all, this is your life, and you are the priority.

The more you learn to prioritise yourself, the more you will know instinctively exactly what is right for you. 


Vanessa McBroom