Releasing Control To Unlock Your Feminine Magnetism

Woman in white dancing, arms raised, gold powder floats around her, back lit with a golden glow. Text Reads: Naturally Nessa - Releasing control to unlock your feminine magnetism

I find myself dancing between the interconnecting energies created by my Masculine and Feminine. I see the power and the beauty of both yet I can also feel the wounded and repressed.

Our society is very much masculine-energy based. We value and honour taking action, being logical and achieving, which are obviously important, but they are only one half of the coin.

We also need to be open to receiving, being in touch with our intuition, and being still. Otherwise we burn out and don't get to experience all that life has to offer.

We need to accept that BEING (female) is as important as doing (male).

While masculine energy is more logical, action-oriented and set to provide. Feminine energy is more intuitive, reflective and set to receive.

It can be such a powerful experience for both men and women to come back into their feminine energy and magic.

Society has devalued most feminine traits, but the truth is feminine energy connects all of us to that which isn't visible, because feminine energy comes from deep within, while masculine energy is represented in the external.

We need to encourage our women to immerse themselves in more of their feminine qualities.

For far too long we have looked down on these energies as unimportant and inferior.

There is nothing inferior in connecting to the inner wisdom of our bodies.  If we all took more notice in what our bodies were saying, our wellbeing would be recognised as a necessity instead of a luxury, and our illnesses would be fewer.

By releasing control and immersing ourselves in the softness of our feminine power, we open our connection to the seductive, mesmerising and alluring magnetism of feminine energy.

And in today's society where so many women are busy multitasking in the need to stay ahead, releasing control and just being will allow our feminine magnetism to radiate, and that is exactly what this world has been needing.


I have been guilty for many years of living in the world of hustling, being determined to prove how capable a woman I am and that I can do everything, only to now realise that I’ve actually been disadvantaging myself.

I've built my life and beliefs around proving myself (in a man's world) instead of sinking into my super power of love and compassion (the inner feminine). Every time I struggle to prove and get ahead I’m actually pulling away from who I am. And each time I surrender into my body instead of my head I can feel all my worries melt away as if I'm coming home.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am very capable of anything I put my mind to, yet listening to my body is so much more powerful.

Our feminine will guide us (when we listen) and our masculine will then follow through.

Both are needed, that’s what the world needs to realise. One is not better than the other, both are as important as each other and when they work together magic happens.

So loosen the reins and allow your masculine to support your feminine and vice versa.

As I mentioned earlier the external world is masculine, while the internal world is feminine.

By allowing ourselves to live purely in the external world of achieving and getting ahead, we’re actually living in the masculine, even if it’s to prove that females are just as empowered.

You see, by proving that females are empowered, we’re actually switching our feminine over to our masculine and we’re actually dis-empowering our feminine, but at the same time because we’re listening to our wounded feminine we’re actually dis-empowering our masculine as well.

This is why I believe our masculine is just as dis-empowered as our feminine (even though we’re a masculine based society), because we’re living in the wounded instead of the divine.

I recently sat in a session with my masculine and feminine within my body, as well as the energy of the masculine of my two businesses and recognised how small my feminine felt.  Even though one of my businesses is in the healing world (which my perception was completely feminine) the structure that I have built to allow my feminine to flow is completely masculine.

This may be hard for you to get your head around, and believe me I’ve been there feeling confused myself, but when we sit with our own energy and listen to the messages we’re receiving, it all starts to unfold and reveal itself.


When we start to illuminate these aspects of ourselves, we become more aware of what is unhealthy and wounded and we can heal and transform this into healthy and divine energy. Below I have broken down qualities into masculine and feminine energy as opposed to male and female roles.  Step out of your head and into your body and allow yourself to feel into these qualities.  Perhaps even write down which aspects are strong and which you still need to work on.

The healthy divine masculine

Is deeply present and listens without being distracted

Has integrity and admires integrity in others

Doesn't judge and is open to communication

Is humble and loyal

Creates a safe environment

Is honest and accountable

Doesn't take things personally

Is supportive and encouraging

Is disciplined and focused

Is aligned with the highest good

Is grounded and confident in self

Respects the vulnerability and strengths of others

The unhealthy wounded masculine

Is competitive and always needs to win

Is focused on goals and attached to success

Avoids connection and isn't in touch with emotions

Can be cold, distant and even aggressive

Takes everything personally

Defends himself by attacking and accusing others

Stays at a distance from love

Is critical and judgmental

Doesn't listen deeply to others

Is stuck in the mind

Is narcissistic and selfish

Can form addictions easily

Has unhealthy internal feminine who is serious, rigid and controlling

The healthy divine feminine

Is loving, empathetic, compassionate and supportive

Is grounded, receptive, reflective

Is vulnerable yet has strong boundaries

Is authentic therefore gracious in strength

Knows how to ask for what is needed

Is not afraid to speak from the heart and does so with no shame

Flows through life effortlessly

Knows how to surrender, be open and trusting

Is naturally intuitive and listens to her heart rather than her mind

Manifests and creates

Is confident in her body and with her femininity.

Exudes beautiful, sensual energy and attracts naturally.

The unhealthy wounded feminine

Is usually insecure and looks for external validation

Can be critical 

Is needy in relationships, needs to feel loved and asks (begs) for it

Can't control emotions

Is afraid of loss and is very attached (in an unhealthy, excessive way)

Shares emotions and needs for attention

Is desperate for love and always chasing it

Feels like a victim

Sacrifices self and prioritises others at own expense

Tends to be manipulative

Can come across as inauthentic

Has an unhealthy internal masculine, no boundaries or self-control.

We all have wounds that lead to unhealthy behaviours in both our masculine and feminine energy regardless of our gender.  Awareness is power. This is a great tool for self-discovery, and once you have discovered the qualities that still hold wounding, it is a precious invitation to step deeper into the healing, so you can embody the healthy divine energy.


Discovering your strengths and weaknesses doesn’t mean you believe parts of you are unworthy, it means you are willing to support and love the parts of you that still need strengthening. Many people believe that if you're ‘stuck on the healing journey’ you must view yourself as broken, but that is far from the truth. It means that you recognise parts of you have been trapped in the past, and you believe that you are WORTHY of the love needed to heal that part of you.

People love to their level of self-love

They communicate to their level of self-awareness

And they behave to their level of healing.

We are only able to give ourselves what we are willing to accept as truth.

If your truth is that you are unloved, that's what you'll experience.

If your truth is you have to struggle, that's what you'll experience.

But if you heal and grow and embrace a new truth... then that is what you will have instead.

We have to stop seeking out the wells that ran dry a long time ago and search instead for the places, thoughts, relationships, and feelings that speak to the TRUTH we want to experience.

We need to bring the energy of the universe through us and connect our hearts to the centre of the universe. We cannot change the situation with the same energy that created the constriction in the first place.

We need to bring the energy of the universe to the place where the change is needed. For me, that's drawing the energy of the universe through my heart.

We have to allow the love that radiates from our heart, to collapse time and space to allow the constant flow of love, to create a multidimensional change.

We need that change to come from a completely new energy.

Welcome the endless flow of energy through this connection.

If you do this, you will be able to breathe freely knowing the changes that are happening are here to free you.

You can now anchor this new energy deep within your body, soul, and the Earth and allow it to resource you fully.

We must remember that no feeling is set in stone.

Everything can be shifted.

Everything can be healed and changed.

And we are not the victims of our stories but the creators of our future.



Image of two people's cupped hands, supporting each other with a pale pink rose in the palm of the top hand. Title reads: Loving every cell of who you are: means you are willing to support and love the parts of you that still need strengthening