How To Awaken Your Lifeforce Energy

Unleashing our life force energy helps us to awaken our kundalini energy by awakening every energy centre within our beings, clearing, tending, and feeding our chi.

It’s our vitality, our libido for life, and the awakening is opening from our roots to our crown. It’s awakening all of the life within us to move unrestrained.

We need to free our energy bodies from the clenches of our fears. From the clenches of our insecurities, and our grasping for control. It’s letting our emotions move, and our wounds move so that we can tend and release them, making room for expansion. 

Tending our energy body in this way is no different than learning anything new. It takes practice and as we learn to move what is within us we will gain more personal power and sovereignty to heal and transcend as we get to know ourselves more deeply in our body, mind, and spirit.

The awakening of our life force energy or kundalini energy is powerful, and can often be uncomfortable in the beginning. 

When we open from the root chakra, through the sacral, solar, heart, high heart, throat, third eye, and crown there is a full-body rush of energy moving through everything.

This also occurs with our Soul Centres, allowing us to transcend time and space and connect with the pure essence of our soul. 

This kind of awakening and opening allows us to access our inner freedom AND it’s vulnerable and can be extremely unsettling because it moves EVERYTHING. 

It shakes us to our core. It unravels the layers of protection, projection, illusion, stagnation, and pain to find freedom.

It brings all our stories to the surface, all our insecurities, and everything which keeps us small or is holding us back from living unrestrained in pure alignment with the song of our soul. 

It all begins with our roots.

We must begin with our roots of belonging, feeling safe, and being grounded enough that we can drop into our raw or primal flow, turning any hypervigilant awareness, worry, or anxiety off.


Our hearts fall in the centre of our kundalini flow. The pure nature of the heart lives within us all, behind the various walls we have all constructed over our lifetime.

It's here we let the walls fall, learning to know love for ourselves, and for others, how to receive it, and how to give it - all unconditionally. It’s a space of accepting communion as a part of life, knowing we aren’t meant to do it all alone, and that love is what makes life rich.

The heart is our centre of Trust.

The high heart is the place of honouring our soul that guides us to weave magic with purpose and meaning.

Our hearts are the threshold between our physicality and the divine that is pulsing within us and one another.

The high heart is the bridge between our heart and the collective. It’s the rainbow bridge that guides us on our path, illuminating our divine gifts, and our divine purpose as we master our soulcraft that isn’t only in our highest service, but it’s part of the greater good. 

From this bridge, our life force then moves up out through our throat with a deep awareness of the sacredness of Truth. Our Truth, and Universal Truth.

It’s a space of releasing the need to be understood, and also knowing the limits AND power of words. Letting them come and go as they will.

Divine communication is not crafted with force, it flows with trust and a deep knowing nothing can take away Truth - no matter how much it is denied, ignored, or smothered.

The third eye then blossoms igniting our sixth sense.

Our centre of intuitive wisdom, our inner compass, is awakened.

This is the place in which we move through the world with our outer eyes closed, following the threads of our inner knowing like reading braille, guiding us with a wisdom beyond the tangible.

We traverse within ourselves through our psyche and subconscious, through the world, and in relationships following these threads of divine wisdom.

Lastly, we viscerally awaken to the knowing of ourselves as a divine being of pure light, plugged into and channelling the cosmos, the great mystery, and the undefinable magic of the universe.

It's from here we merge equally from the belly of the great mother earth below us, up above to the unnamable magic far beyond our grasp.

This awakening, this opening, is our life force energy, our kundalini energy. Our sensual relationship of trust, and opening with LIFE. 

It's free-flowing between our bodies, hearts, and souls.


Often we either embrace ourselves more so as spirit, and aren't as embodied in our physical roots, or we are more rooted in our physicality and less open to ourselves as spirit. This dance connects the two with our heart in the centre.

Unleashing our life force is living a life of sensuality and sexuality that awakens our full body to our full spirit.

This is when the merging of reality occurs. 

When you realise you’re a spiritual being in a physical body and they unite.

It’s an honouring of your body and an honouring of your heart and soul. 

It’s being comfortable with the energy and emotion moving through you.

It’s embracing it and letting it be your compass for all else.

Feminine power is living in the pleasure of our unrestrained selves through a fierce yet compassionate heart of unconditional love.

It’s resting in the centre between our roots that run deep into the earth, and our crown that connects us to the divine mystery of the cosmos while we embrace the truth of our essence, and all that we channel.

Tending our life force energy can be awakened in many ways, and is an infinite journey of a lifetime.

It can be tended, nurtured, and moved with meditation, intention, visualisation and light, with your breath, movement, bodywork, energy work, stones, herbs, and plant medicine.

You can embody it with exercise, yoga, or dance.

It’s life force energy, it’s living, it has consciousness and it shapes-shifts as you create a relationship with it. 

It will awaken as much as you tend it, moving out the old and making space for the new.


As we connect with our own unique vibration you will realise that you attract similar frequencies and vibrations and repel others. 

This then plays an important role in how we connect with everyone around us. 

You may be wondering how you can tell when your vibration is changing, or how to tell whether a change in vibration is positive or negative. Even if you haven’t spent much time thinking about how the world around you impacts your vibration.

In many cases, these changes will be in response to changes in the collective, learning how to respond to these shifts can improve your ability to attract what you desire in life.

After a 4 day workshop that starts my year-long certification to up-level my skill, I write this knowing I am forever changed by the life-altering shifts that have occurred. 

The shifts that we feel in our body and our field need time to assimilate. We need to trust in our body and honour the shifts, the expansion, the wobbles, and the immense beauty that has entered our field.

There’s a nuance to what we experience, that needs space to breathe, grow, expand and attune to the new vibration that is pulsing within us and around us. 

Many of us feel shifts within us, but not many of us know how to articulate or honour what has occurred.

Just know that allowing yourself to feel what you’re feeling is exactly the right medicine. 

Listen to your body, notice your energy levels and above all, don’t push yourself to do things when you’re getting an energetic hit that it’s not right.



Vanessa McBroom