Choose Love Over Negative Energy

Life is too beautiful to participate in negative energy. Some of the people that you love the most are constantly choosing negative energy. 

They're constantly choosing to participate in anger, frustration, and doubt, they see the worst when they could choose to see the best. 

This is unfortunately because they haven’t had the awareness or the courage yet to go into that anger and heal it. 

Ultimately, their love is like your love but they haven’t embraced the beauty yet.

Start loving life, and loving yourself, so that you have the courage to no longer participate in negative energy. Regardless of who that may be with. Sometimes, it may be your mother or father, aunts or uncles, your best friend, your coworkers or boss. 

When we truly love ourselves, we allow ourselves to be free in our own convictions and we allow ourselves to protect our energy.

This means that, when we are around those people, we can set healthy boundaries with them. The minute they step into negative energy, we no longer keep ourselves attached to that moment, and love gives us the space to say, “You know I love you but I just don’t want to participate in this.” And when they start to get frustrated, you can say, “I just don’t want to participate in this conversation anymore.”

When you do that, two things are going to happen:

  1. You’re going to tell yourself, and send a message to your future self, that you absolutely love yourself and you come first.

  2. You’re going to show them that there’s no more space for their negativity. This will ultimately put their negativity back on them and potentially give them the opportunity to start healing themselves.

When we have the courage and love to start healing ourselves, we give other people the possibility to start to love and heal themselves. 


The ego says this one thing that will continue to keep you stuck in life forever, “I don’t ever want to experience that hurt again.”

And that is where limitations set in.

Because that is when you disconnect from your heart. 

Once you discover that your ego is trying to limit and control the parts of you that are still living in the pain of the past, that is where your journey will begin…

As hard as it may be, we need to go back into the past and heal that wounding, so we can experience life without limitations. 

When that happens, we heal our bodies, attract our soul mates or fix relationships, create wealth, and live abundantly with no effort at all. 

Because we’re upgrading to a different energy. 

We begin operating from a place of alchemy, between our masculine and feminine energy and our body and soul, and not just from the wounded, scared masculine ego which runs our body from a space of doing instead of being.

We can then attract the dream love of our life, we can have a passionate relationship, with someone that we’re actually attracted to and love being around, and crave being around. 

We can be in a relationship where we don’t live in the pain that creates arguments. 

We can live from a space of love instead of fear.

Too many of us are living in the hurt of the past, which ultimately means we’re still living in the past and allowing the past to control our future. 

Once we have healed the pain of the past, the ego is no longer in control and you will be open to connecting with source energy, which will help you to love yourself and therefore allow you to surround yourself with love. 

And when you’ve finally removed all the barriers that your ego has placed around your mind and your heart, to keep you in the box so that you can be controlled as society has taught us, so we don’t ever truly discover who we are, that is when we finally discover who we truly are, and we can heal ourselves of absolutely anything.


There’s only two energies we, as human beings, can live from. One is love and the other is fear. 

Essentially, when we are living from the wounds of our past, we are living in the wounding of fear because we’re in a constant state of defense, we’re in a constant state of protecting and guarding ourselves from not feeling the pain of the energy of the past.

When we live in the energy of love, we’re in a constant state of acceptance. 

We’re living in the energy of now, instead of living in the energy of the future or the past. 

We’re very happy, grounded, and centered, living in the present moment.

And the reason why it is so important for us to live in the energy of love, is because when you attract from that energy, you attract from your soul power. 

Your soul has the ability to attract into your life whatever it is you want to be whole, happy, and complete.

And when you live with the energy of love, you live with gratitude in your heart. 

You find yourself being grateful for the people you have in your life.

You’re grateful for the opportunities and the obstacles that present themselves to you. 

You begin to recognise that the things you may have once seen as obstacles were actually  opportunities to become the person your soul is guiding you towards. 

And this is a powerful place to be, because you can now begin to understand that you are the only person who can control who you choose to be. 

A great affirmation to stay in the present moment with gratitude is:

I appreciate all that I have and all that I do.

I stay in the present moment and fully experience my life through my five senses and my emotions with love and gratitude.


Someone could be telling you something, and they could say it from their perspective, very simply and honestly, but, if that triggers you, what that’s really doing, is triggering a wound inside you. 

Which gives you an opportunity to do one of two things:

  1. Keep the wall up, keep defending, keep the fight going, keep blocking someone from truly  getting to see the vulnerability and the depths of your soul. 

  2. Be conscious and aware that this is an opportunity for you to heal, and for you to let go. 

Another way where relationships are mirrors for us is, energetically, you’ve been part of a relationship without even realising it, and that person is a part of your life and your energy right now. 

Energetically, these people, without even knowing it, have been throwing daggers at you your entire life. 

They’ve been throwing daggers at you because they resent you, they resent the beauty that is within you, they resent the power that is within you. 

And, in actuality, they resent you for being a mirror of who they can become, if they were to let go of their own guilt, shame, and fear. 

This is on an energetic level. 

This is why when you’re around certain people it just feels off. 

It’s because, energetically, their hooks are in you.

So you need to make a conscious list of who these people are, and recognise that who you are changes when you’re around them. 

Sometimes these are people you truly love. 

But in order for you to become your highest self, you have to learn to let go. 

You need to release them to enable them to be who they’re intended to be, so that you can be who you’re intended to be as well. 


Vanessa McBroom