You Are in Control of The Future You Want

You are in control of how you want your future self to live, to love, to feel, to be, and how you experience the world. 

So the first thing you need to do is choose you.

By choosing you, you acknowledge that you’re prepared to start putting yourself first, which then allows you to recognise how much you’ve lived your life for everyone around you. 

You then start to see that you really haven’t given yourself the opportunity to even get to know who you are, and if you don’t know who you are, how can you expect other people to know who you are. 

Throughout my life I’ve always put everyone else first. I’ve lived for my children, I’ve lived for my parents, I’ve been the person everyone has needed and wanted me to be, but, until my early thirties, I had never really looked at myself. 

Yes, I was building the life I wanted, raising and loving my children with all my heart, giving them everything I had never had. Which was completely what I wanted and desired, but I never had time to think about myself.

We all know that feeling, living every day for our family, getting caught up in what they need but never having the time to stop and ask yourself how you’re feeling, how you’re doing, and it’s not until you collapse on the floor or lock yourself in the bathroom that you realise that you have emotions too.

You matter, how you feel affects everything you do and say; how you love, how you let love in, how you see the world, and how the world sees you.

The more you get in touch with your own emotions, the more you will start to see other’s emotions. And the more you live through seeing other’s emotions, not just what’s outside of them but what’s inside of them, it’s then that you start looking at them differently. 

The clearer you are with what’s inside of everyone, the more you’ll begin to attract what you desire and who you desire to be in your life. 

Only then will you begin to recognise that you’re not a victim of life or your circumstances but the creator of it. 

So many of us live in the energy of victimisation. Victimisation of life, of the family we were raised in, of the circumstances that have led us to this point. 

When you truly tap into the energy of who you are, you start to realise that you have the ability to create your life.

You don’t have to settle for anything, but so many of us settle because we haven’t awakened and we haven’t discovered who we truly are.


The main desire that we all have is to be heard, seen, and loved.  

But this is something we must learn that comes from deep inside us. 

If there’s one thing life has shown us, it’s that it’s way too easy to get caught up in our role as mother, father, husband, wife, son, daughter, sister, brother, not to mention our paying jobs. 

The problem with that is:

We’ve forgotten the person we were born to be.

Our soul is screaming out to be heard. 

That same soul is slowly shrinking into the shadows.

We need to allow our heart to soften and crack open, to allow the radiance of our soul to shine through.

We’re on a journey of coming home to who we really are. 

Life has thrown us so many curve balls that have broken our heart in a million pieces.  

Then one day we get to that point in our life and think, “Who am I and how did I end up here?!”

Everything we experience in life has created the person we are today.

We’ve learnt our strength from our pain. 

But, most of all, when we truly look deep within we meet the powerful, wise person who exists within our soul.

Choose to believe in her. 

That’s when you’ll start to leap into the most crazy and beautiful desires, dreams, and possibilities that you never believed possible. 

Not because you’re not scared anymore, but because you realise you have a right to be happy and you have a greater purpose on this earth. 

We’re not meant to hide or shy away from the world.

We have way more power than we think, and we are much more beautiful than how we see ourselves.  

It’s time you learnt to fall in love with who you really are, so you can be the person the world needs. 

Shine your light.

Give your love. 

Feel energised and beautiful in your skin. 

Connect to your soul. 

You have a passion and a purpose that is yours to be fulfilled.


It’s time you tapped into the resources your body has to offer. Discover the reason your soul guided you to this body in the first place, and fulfill her destiny. 

Call your soul back into your body and help her expand your energy field. So many of us are unaware that on a daily basis we are living with our soul outside us. 

Give permission for your wounds or trauma to exist and be seen without judgment or expectations.

Be forgiving, loving, soft, and gentle with yourself.

Nurture that part of you that has hidden for so long. 

Awaken your sacred Feminine and Masculine, whichever has possibly been unbalanced and felt hidden in the shadows your entire life.

I have journeyed many lifetimes fighting against the masculine energy. I’ve seen it as dominating, repressive, restrictive, and negative. All the while, not realising that I was actually more in my masculine than I was in my feminine.

Yes it made me the strong, confident, independent woman I am today, but when I truly sat deep with my emotions my sacred feminine didn’t want war and division, she wanted peace, love, and unity. I needed to help unite the two to allow them to dance in harmony. 

Once you are comfortable sitting with these emotions, you will start to feel comfortable truly loving yourself for the beautiful soul that you were born to be. 

If your heart is open, and you're truly ready to heal, you’ve got to accept that anything you have received in a relationship from another human being, you were the co-creator of it. 

Because when we feel safe, we can heal. 

When we can acknowledge and look at the parts of us that we’re not proud of, we can recognise, “Wow, I’m not too proud of that, I didn’t realise that I was being like that, you know what, I’m going to work on that, I don’t want to be that anymore.”

But if we’re not willing to see that, or if we’re in a place where we don’t want to acknowledge that, then we have to ask ourselves the question, “Am I ready to heal that?”  

Healing comes from the space we allow for ourselves.


You need to start the day connecting to yourself, for at least 5 minutes every morning. 

If you do that, your energy will open up and source energy will meet you, and will give you the exact download and the exact healing that you need to help you transform your life. 

There’s no plant medicine or pharmaceutical needed, this is you and source. But you have to have the courage and the stillness to sit and allow this to come.

Even in the moments when you don’t feel like it, you need to show up for yourself. 

Because when you show up for yourself, you’re saying to the future you that you matter, you count, what you feel is important.

So don’t put it off any longer, you need to be having these discussions with yourself everyday. 

Start the lines of communication with yourself as if you were with a loved one. Open up the conversation with your soul, and with source energy, instead of sitting in the negative energy that is currently stopping you from moving forward. 

There is so much to discover when we look at the patterns we hold within ourselves, our partners, and the generations that came before us. 

It’s like an intricate web that entangles our emotions, our memories, and, more importantly, our future.

If we don’t address these dynamics, it will literally stunt our growth, as well as our future generation’s growth. 

While we dance with these energies, though, we can sometimes allow our boundaries to become a little blurred.

So I encourage you to really get to know who you are, and stand strong with your morals and values, as this is a very important part of honouring ourselves. 

Baby steps are all you need to take while you are sitting with the emotions and energies of who you are and what you truly desire.


Vanessa McBroom