3 Ways Your Soul Is Speaking To You

3 ways your soul is speaking to you

The magnificence of our body is truly wondrous. If you’re anything like I have been in the past, it can sometimes take a massive wake up call (or hit by a truck) before you take any notice. We’ve almost been conditioned to push, strive, and keep moving forward, even when it’s not in our own best interest.

So we don’t let others down. So we continue being functioning and valuable members of society. So we continue ‘getting it done’ and being all the things. And so we can feel that we are enough thanks to our superhuman level of roles and responsibilities.

I have had two soul awakenings in my life, both of which came about from my health taking a massive tumble. You would think once you have been reconnected with your soul, you would never close off to her again, but we are human and we are here to experience everything this body has to offer - all the stumbles and missteps included.

Life has a way of drawing us into its drama and distracting us, especially when we support so many others in our families, careers, and businesses. It can be easy, as we start down the path of our awakening, to start adding more judgement or persecution to our humanness, when what we truly need to do is surrender to awareness, understanding, and acceptance of all that we are.

The beauty of our soul is that she is there for us, unconditionally waiting, but there will inevitably be a time (once we’ve said yes to this journey) to get back on track to our soul’s purpose, and through any number of ways, our soul will find a way to remind us and lead us back. And I am ever so grateful for her reminders.

It might look different for us all. And I can say with all honesty that I would have preferred a more gentle approach, but the reality is, she tried and I wasn’t listening, just as many of us who are busy existing and surviving in the world have just learnt to do.

Here are three ways your soul might be speaking to you (but there are certainly many more!):


For many of us (myself included), this might come in the form of physical illness or health issues. We can just keep on keeping on until our health deteriorates to a point where we can’t go on any longer.

The more out of alignment we are with our body and soul connection, the more likely our health issues will persist until we start to listen.

I didn’t start fixing my health issues until it became the number one priority in my life. Since then, although I sometimes slip into my old ways, I have learnt to tune in at a whole new level to what my soul is telling me through my physical experience, and what she needs me to do.


Your soul might start crying out for you to reconnect with her through a shocking life upheaval, like the end of a relationship or job. We can place so much importance on external relationships, identities, and life circumstances that we get lost in who we really are, bending and shaping ourselves to be more pleasing to those around us.

When a life upheaval happens, it can be a really powerful (albeit, painful) way for our soul to finally cut through all the external noise, and for us to finally pay attention.


When we find ourselves in extreme emotional or mental distress, this can so often be a deeper calling from our soul, stripping us back to the very core of who we are. When we breakdown all the layers we’ve so carefully constructed to fit in with the outside world, we come back to the foundations of who we are - and this is when we can start to listen to our soul.

As we rebuild and allow ourselves to be in deep communion with our soul, we can come back to ourselves in a way like never before (but please reach out for support from a trained professional to support you through this time)

When we sign up for this awakening - whether consciously or not - we may take the hint of the early signs. But, in my experience, it usually takes a big shake-up of our world before we truly start to listen to our soul speak.

Now science is catching up to what our bodies have known for centuries. We are made up of molecules of emotion (neuropeptides), our mind is connected infinitely to every cell in our body. No matter how it comes, we have the ability to start tuning in and being in connection with our soul, through so many different practises and modalities.

Emotional embodiment is one of my personal favourites, and so important, as it connects us to our very core, our soul, our soul centres, but it also allows us to find more mindfulness and presence in our day-to-day, and connect our body and soul with the Earth that we stand on.

Once we journey into our awakening and begin fully connecting with Mother Earth, our body starts to find energetic resources not by our adrenals, but from our soul connection to both Earth and Spirit.

For someone who has lived with adrenal fatigue over the past few years, learning this, and coming to understand that there was another way, was one of the most incredible realisations through my healing journey. To understand that my body didn’t have to be my only source of energy opened up the possibilities that I could start living in a whole new way, in union with my own body, my soul, and the Earth.

Once upon a time, just getting out of bed was a struggle for me. I don’t always get it right - I’m busy and my life demands a lot from me - I’m still unravelling years of social conditioning and my own past experiences and ancestral trauma, but when my physical health and wellbeing, or my emotional and mental state starts to decline, I know it’s time to tune back in and listen to my soul.

It’s a life changing experience, and one that - if you have ever felt lost and unwell, might feel impossible. But I’m living, breathing proof that this work can really heal your life.

If this has activated something within you and you wish to learn more about soul centres or emotional embodiment please come on over and book in a free discovery call with me here.


listening to your soul